Rail Operations is a Railroad/Transit Organization consulting firm that specializes in the design and development of control and data solutions that make your Rail Operations more efficient, effective, and safe. Rail Operations has extensive experience with design, development, installation and support of Rail Control system for Short Line Railroads, Computer Rail, Transit Authorities, Terminals and Yards.
Rail Operations employees have worked with several of the suppliers of control and data management systems in the rail industry. We have experience with NORAC, GCOR, CROR, Rules of Operation and provided systems for Dark and Signaled territory; Freight and Transit Lines; small and large operations. Rail Operations has the capability to work independently or as part of a larger team. We provide a significant value to any project team.
Rail Operations employees have worked directly with Railroad and Transit properties as well, and can act as the interface between the Railroad and Supplier organizations ensuring that the Railroad gets the system that they need and can fully leverage the strengths of the suppliers system to the maximum benefit of the Railroad. Rail Operations can provide services for the entire scope of the project from requirements analysis, supervision and coordination of work activities, verification and validation of the completed system, and coordination of commissioning activities.
Rail Operations takes the customer perspective in providing solutions that meet the needs of the railroad and the railroads customers to ensure the system provides the maximum service and benefit to the Railroad.